The 2018 Real Weird Holiday Special

As 2018 comes to a close, we are back to celebrate the holiday season Potter-style. Join us as we sort the characters of Home Alone with the Real Weird Husband / Brother-in-Law (@paulasleson), celebrate New Year’s Eve with a very silly assortment of couples and returning guest Shandy, and complete a goofy roll playing scenario with acquaintance of the show Tim Ahlin (@ShutUpTim).

Thank you so much for listening to the show. We wish you a wonderful holiday season!

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1 Comment

Ahh, I’m so glad that you released a holiday special for 2018! If the Hunger Games can’t be annual, I’m glad that this can be.

It’s getting harder and harder to be a Tim apologist. By the time I’m going to get to Book 6 I will definitely be classifying him as a RWS aquaintance. You’re so generous for not booting him off the show all together!

I just listened to a movie podcast covering Home ALone so I’m very pleased with the Sorting Hat topic. I would have pegged Kevin as a Ravenclaw but his bravery against the bad guys is pretty much hands down Gryffindore.

Mr. Poe was a squib. 😉

I love the songs so much!

As a fan of fanfiction, the second segment is very intreguing. The fact that Nevile, Seamus, Dean, Luna and Hermione formed a pentagon was surprising.

I played my first D&D game a few weeks ago so Tim’s segment was fun and so unpredicable.

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