Posts Categorized: Episodes

4.3 The Invitation

4.3 The Invitation

This one is for all the swotty little nancy boys out there. Alice and Martha are back to criticize Harry’s friends’ ideas of good food, question the methods of refrigeration in the wizarding world, and imagine Harry as a contestant on What Not to Wear. Please consider supporting us on Patreon! Spoiler warning! Please be… Read more

4.2 The Scar

4.2 The Scar

​Alice and Martha are back to share stories of the weirdest dreams they’ve had, explain why Dumbledore is kind of a hipster, and attempt to come up with better pseudonyms for Buckbeak than “Witherwings.” Please consider supporting us on Patreon! Spoiler warning! Please be aware that our show contains spoilers for events which take place… Read more

4.1 The Riddle House

4.1 The Riddle House

Hi and welcome to the Frank Bryce Memorial Podcast, where your hosts bemoan the loss of one of the greatest men to ever walk the earth and honor his life with as much respect as possible. If you’ve come to hear about unexpected animals that produce milk, you’ve come to the right place. Also, learn… Read more

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Movie Review

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Movie Review

The Real Weird Sisters review the movie of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with special guests Tim Ahlin (@shutuptim) and Haley Strong (@hstrong_). Please consider supporting us on Patreon! Spoiler warning! Please be aware that our show contains spoilers for events which take place later in the series. Book club episodes are released every Monday and special topics… Read more

3.22 Owl Post Again

3.22 Owl Post Again

Alice and Martha have reached the end of Book 3 and are here to discuss all your burning questions! Why weren’t Fudge and Snape aware of Hermione’s Time Turner? What’s with Dumbledore’s obsession with being cryptic? And how on earth could one swallow a whole bottle of hot butterbeer in one gulp? Plus, Alice and… Read more

Sorting Hat: Desperate Housewives

Sorting Hat: Desperate Housewives

In this crossover episode, The Real Weird Sisters (Alice and Martha) are joined by special guest Kate Hildner (@khildner11) and the DesperHAT to sort the characters of Desperate Housewives into Hogwarts houses. Be aware that the show contains spoilers from both Desperate Housewives and the Harry Potter series. Please subscribe to our show! Book club episodes are released every Monday.

3.21 Hermione’s Secret

3.21 Hermione’s Secret

The secret is out… and no, it has nothing to do with Hogsmeade. Listen to Alice and Martha as they do their best to put themselves in Snape’s shoes, confuse themselves talking about time travel, and assess the root of Harry’s “saving people thing.” Warning: tears are shed. Please consider supporting us on Patreon! Spoiler… Read more

3.20 The Dementor’s Kiss

3.20 The Dementor’s Kiss

​Expecto… expecto… Alice and Martha are back to discuss six-legged races, Harry’s potential interest in Shark vs. T-Rex, and oddly memorable songs from piano lessons. And, shocker of all shockers, it’s still all Snape’s fault. Please consider supporting us on Patreon! Spoiler warning! Please be aware that our show contains spoilers for events which take… Read more

Sorting Hat: Ratatouille

Sorting Hat: Ratatouille

In this crossover episode, The Real Weird Sisters (Alice and Martha) are joined by special guest Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType) and the Sorting Toque to sort the characters of Ratatouille into Hogwarts houses. Be aware that the show contains spoilers from both Ratatouille and the Harry Potter series. Please subscribe to our show! Book club episodes are released every Monday. Please consider… Read more

3.19 The Servant of Lord Voldemort

3.19 The Servant of Lord Voldemort

At long last, Alice and Martha have reached the real meat of the book and couldn’t be more excited. Listen to the sisters discuss Snape’s implicit bias towards werewolves, compare the miserable post-James lives of each of the marauders, and delve deep into the question we’ve all wondered: what musical instrument would Wormtail have played… Read more