Posts Categorized: Episodes

Horace Slughorn: Character Study, Part 2

Horace Slughorn: Character Study, Part 2

Alice and Martha continue their discussion about ol’ Sluggy, who throws an amazing and not at all problematic Christmas party. Harry makes a valiant atttempt to get the memory from him (although the tampered memory was very convincing!). Finally, when in doubt, just shove a bezoar down their throats!  Please consider supporting us on Patreon!… Read more

Take Five, Take 4.13: Goblet of Fire, 60:01-65:00

Take Five, Take 4.13: Goblet of Fire, 60:01-65:00

Two full minutes of a joyride / dragon chase around the Hogwarts grounds, how thrilling! Harry nearly DIES, but luckily lives to revel in the glory of amping up the Gryffindor Common Room crowd. Meanwhile, Alice, Martha, and special guest Shut Up Tim compete to see who can tell the most compelling Microwave Minute story. … Read more

Horace Slughorn: Character Study, Part 1

Horace Slughorn: Character Study, Part 1

Alice and Martha discuss everyone’s favorite Slytherin, Professor Slughorn! This giant slug loves collecting creature comforts, knows how to amp up the drama for Potions class, and doesn’t mess around with Death Eaters or the likes of Abraxas Malfoy.  Please consider supporting us on Patreon! episodes are released every Monday and special topics shows… Read more

Into the Pensieve: The Mouse and the Motorcycle

Into the Pensieve: The Mouse and the Motorcycle

It’s another mouse book this week! Alice and Martha discuss The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary. Ralph might not be quite as sweet as Remy, but he’s miles ahead of Stuart… and remember, mice grow up much faster than human boys! #boymouse In this series, Alice and Martha reminisce on shared memories, inside jokes, and… Read more

Seamus Finnigan: Character Study, Part 3

Seamus Finnigan: Character Study, Part 3

Yes, it really has taken three character studies to analyze Seamus’s complex arc! In this episode, Seamus “apologizes” to Harry for the error of his ways, leaving Harry free to angle for his approval once again.  Please consider supporting us on Patreon! episodes are released every Monday and special topics shows are released periodically…. Read more

Seamus Finnigan: Character Study, Part 2

Seamus Finnigan: Character Study, Part 2

Alice and Martha discuss Seamus in the fourth and fifth books. His storyline picks up speed as we meet his mom (or possibly a paid Craigslist actor??), see his passion for Irish Quidditch, and watch as he falls victim to the Daily Prophet propaganda.  Please consider supporting us on Patreon! episodes are released every… Read more

Seamus Finnigan: Character Study, Part 1

Seamus Finnigan: Character Study, Part 1

Kaboom! It’s time to blow some things up! Alice and Martha deviate from the official Real Weirdos list to cover Me Cousin Fergus’s cousin, Seamus Finnigan (not Finnegan) in the first three books. His “arc” may leave something to be desired, but Harry’s still all about those Seamus winks!  Please consider supporting us on Patreon!… Read more

Into the Pensieve: Curious George

Into the Pensieve: Curious George

Alice and Martha discuss Curious George, the Man in the Yellow Hat, and H.A. and Margret Rey. Though he may not have a tail, Curious George proves to be a much more endearing main character than Stuart Little, and thankfully, he would almost certainly beat Stuart in a fight!  In this series, Alice and Martha reminisce… Read more

The Muggle Prime Minister: Character Study

The Muggle Prime Minister: Character Study

Alice and Martha discuss the first unnamed character to win the Real Weirdo, Canonical John Major! This isn’t a Fudge character study, and this isn’t a Scrimgeour character study, and it isn’t about the froglike man in the painting, either, although Mary GrandPre might lead us to believe otherwise. Please consider supporting us on Patreon!… Read more

Take Five, Take 4.12: Goblet of Fire, 55:01-60:00

Take Five, Take 4.12: Goblet of Fire, 55:01-60:00

Well done, Dragon! Alice, Martha, and special guest Shut Up Tim have made it through the first hour of Goblet of Fire… oooOOOhhhh! Harry fights the Horntail (what’s that, boy??), Krum fights Rita, and Alice fights to understand perspective and time jumps!   Please consider supporting us on Patreon! New episodes are released every Monday… Read more