Posts Categorized: Character Studies

Minerva McGonagall: Character Study, Part 2

Minerva McGonagall: Character Study, Part 2

Alice and Martha resume their study on Queen McGonagall. While her main role in Chamber of Secrets may be to deliver bad news to the students and respond to basilisk attacks, no one can deny she does it in style!  Please consider supporting us on Patreon! New episodes are released every Monday and special topics shows… Read more

Hedwig: Character Study, Part 3

Hedwig: Character Study, Part 3

The time for fun and games has come to an end as Alice and Martha conclude their discussion on Queen Hedwig and she flies off into the sunset. Though Hedwig faces some horrible trials in the fifth, sixth, and seventh books, she gets a brief reprieve when she comes face to face with another powerfully… Read more

Hedwig: Character Study, Part 2

Hedwig: Character Study, Part 2

Heh! Hooooot!! Alice and Martha are excited to continue their discussion of Real Weird Queen Hedwig. Though Harry is awfully rude to her numerous times throughout the fourth and fifth books, Hedwig doesn’t stand for disrespect, even from “The Chosen One.” And don’t worry, it’s not time to properly eulogize her yet; this week is… Read more

Hedwig: Character Study, Part 1

Hedwig: Character Study, Part 1

After all this time… Alice and Martha finally get the chance to honor Queen Hedwig! Reproachful glances and helpful nibbles abound on this week’s legendary character study! Please consider supporting us on Patreon! New episodes are released every Monday and special topics shows are released periodically. Don’t forget to subscribe to our show to… Read more

Zacharias Smith: Character Study

Zacharias Smith: Character Study

Would you like us to clean out your ears for you? We weren’t about to weasel out of discussing “Smith,” even if he is suffering from a bad case of Loser’s Lurgy. Please consider supporting us on Patreon! New episodes are released every Monday and special topics shows are released periodically. Don’t forget to… Read more

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 4

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 4

Rounding out the discussion on (but unfortunately, not eulogizing) Umbridge, Alice and Martha analyze Umbridge in the sixth and seventh books. The “Selwyn descendent’s” audacity and cruelty peak in these books, as she leads the Muggle Born Registration Commission with disturbing vigor.  Please consider supporting us on Patreon! New episodes are released every Monday… Read more

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 3

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 3

It’s time for Part 3 of our Umbridge series. Filch may think his dreams have come true with Umbridge as the head of the school, but Fred, George, Peeves, and the rest of the troublemakers in training give the ultimate dictator a run for her money in the form of fireworks, stinkbombs, swamps, and “Umbridge-itis.” … Read more

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 2

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 2

Our second Umbridge character study covers her reign of power as Hogwarts High Inquisitor, from blocking meetings of the DA, Gryffindor Quidditch team, and Gobstones Club to sacking Trelawney and shaking Marietta violently. Percy was right, she really is a delightful woman. Please consider supporting us on Patreon! New episodes are released every Monday… Read more

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 1

Dolores Umbridge: Character Study, Part 1

Hem, hem! Thus begins our series on the most supremely obnoxious and infuriating character of the Harry Potter universe. Progress for progress’s sake may be prohibited, and there’s a lot of meaning hidden in the waffle…  Please consider supporting us on Patreon! New episodes are released every Monday and special topics shows are released… Read more

Luna Lovegood: Character Study, Part 3

Luna Lovegood: Character Study, Part 3

It’s Luna’s final episode, so we’ve donned our sun colors and prepared the pudding to celebrate! Luna’s seventh book arc includes new friendships with Mr. Ollivander and Dean, helping Harry through some tough emotional moments, and a possible case of the Gernumblies. In any case, Luna ought to have enough Plimpies soon… Please consider supporting… Read more