3.17 Cat, Rat, and Dog

Wriggle madly in your seats as you listen to Alice and Martha question Harry’s behavior towards Crookshanks, wonder about dental options in Azkaban, and do what they do best – relate it all back to Ratatouille and Hamilton.

Spoiler warning! Please be aware that our show contains spoilers for events which take place later in the series.

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Dave Taylor

These few chapters really are the most important so far, so much important info from the past and for the future.

I agree that this book, in particular, is so well written. You can fully enjoy it the first time without the knowledge of the twists. Then upon rereading there is so much more. Well done.

The dog that Sirius transforms into in the movie makes a lot more sense than the large dog described in the books. A massive dog hanging around would attract too much attention.

And is it possible that like a patronis, the animal a wizard transforms into could change over time? Perhaps the dog Sirius originally transformed into was more kempt, healthier, etc.

And finally, yes, both Sirius and Lupin are extremely indirect and not helping their cause. I can somewhat justify Sirius, he had been locked up for a decade and a half, who knows the last person he actually had a conversation with. Mostly though, J.K. just wanted to hold onto the mystery for one more chapter.


To be fair, practically this whole book followed the misinformation trope. Harry thought he heard the whole thing about Sirius after eavesdropping on Mr. Wesley so everytime people tried to tell him more he always made them quit before going ahead. But this chapter made the trope very blatant. Ron’s injury sounds so, so horrible. How he manages to literally standing by Harry’s side seems very improbable. Lol, ‘do people really know their pets’ could be a game show. Lol, ‘Dementis’ is funny. Lupin realizing that Sirius was innocent all along is heartbreaking. Martha’s impressions are a lot of fun.

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